Permission to Flourish
Bloom Into your Embodied Creativity and Potential
Your emotional and environments are shaped by conditioned ways of being and influenced by those around you. In this half-day workshop, we will move through
the core elementals for setting the space of your life, to create the optimal conditions for blooming into your potential, through relational awareness, somatic sensing, reflection, meditation, and play!
Saturday, September 28th from 12:00--3:00 PM PDT
Portland, Oregon
Observe your energetic, embodiment patterns, in the service of transformation and expansion into greater ranges of self-expression and creativity.
Create more spaciousness in the conditions of your life and purpose including: health, relationships, finances, and purpose and impact in the world
Bring the individual and collective processes together in a shared field, to create the safety of reciprocity, held and seen in shared connection in ways that amplify the learning, expansion, and self-understanding,
Explore and embody new imprints for connecting, relating, and expressing your creativity in ways that supports and increases individual and collective capacity to thrive.

This workshop is for you if you've ever wondered:
Am I living my fullest potential?
Is there more available for me in life? If yes, how do I get to it?
What are my unique gifts and medicine I want to bring to the world?
How can I open more to life and say yes more often?
How would my life look if you gave myself permission to fully live?
What do I need to let go of or surrender to take my “next” step to more?
Key ingredients for becoming planted in your power and purpose?
Element 1: Creativity
Creativity is our natural ability to use our imagination to innovate and curate our own experience and spaces in our life and out in the world. For many of us, this depends on our ability to access spaciousness and expansiveness in our expression.
Element 2: A Relational Self
It is difficult to access our full range of creativity if we don’t feel safe, or rooted in our bodies. This is connected to relationality—how much pain, past trauma, or pain you have in your body about who you are, how free or supported you are, that determines your “permission” to access your own innate creativity.
Element 3: Optimal Conditions
When it comes to shifting the momentum of old internal, energetic imprints, our level of felt safety directly impacts the degree at which we are able to access and express our creativity. This in turn affects our ability to flourish; to share our gifts and capacity to make a meaningful contribution to others and the world.
It all starts with perspective
This half-day "play shop" is designed to support you to identify and release obstacles to living your best life, making space for your true potential and creativity to emerge. Join me on a journey, traveling through key elements for creating the optimal conditions for tapping into your innate creativity, your unique potential, to share your unique gifts into the world.
Often, when we hit obstacles or unwanted circumstances in our lives, we often try to push them away or lessen them, which actually creates more resistance. In this workshop, you are invited to discover what happens when you shift your focus to what you want “more” of in life, not less.
Through this lens of “more,” you will experience first-hand the power of shared connection and relationality to create safety and support—as a resource of for well-being, opening the optimal conditions for creativity, innovation, connection, and flourishing! And don’t forget the joy that naturally unfolds as a natural byproduct of being “you.”
Once we begin meeting ourselves exactly where we’re at—instead of insisting of ourselves, that we must be elsewhere-- the elements of the Self naturally begin to fall into balance--the mind, emotions, actions, and conditions become aligned. At this moment, if held with compassion and trust, we can glimpse and even become the weaver of our own life, as our bodies become the tree of life in embodied form itself, not separate from nature, but as our authentic nature and home!
Are you ready to become truly planted in your power and purpose?
With care and excitement,